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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-07-05 03:45:41  浏览:9325   来源:法律资料网
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摘 要

MBO是英文Management Buy-out的缩写,中文通常被译作“管理层”收购,是指公司的管理层利用借贷所融资本或股权交易收购本公司股权,以改变公司的所有者结构、资产结构和控制权结构,使企业原经营者成为企业所有者的一种行为。
讨论的中心议题是MBO是否还应该在中国继续被实施。 MBO过程中是否真的存在“国有资产流失”现象,政府是否应该停止国有企业MBO,诸如此类的问题也引起了政府的关注与重视。对此,国资委主任李荣融在2004年10月底的一次新闻发布会上发言时承认,“当前国有资产流失问题集中在MBO,而MBO收购过程中的主要问题就是自卖自买”。2004年12月12日,时任国务院副总理的黄菊同志,又在出席2004年度中央企业负责人年终总结大会时指出:“大型企业不准搞管理层收购,中小企业的管理层收购也要区别情况,要规范。对于管理层收购,国资委要制定发布专门文件,做到有章可循。”

关键词: 国有企业 MBO 制度缺陷 对策


MBO is an abbreviation of Management Buy-out in English. In Chinese, the abbreviation is usually translated to purchase of "the management "that is refers to the management as one level of the company, for change the owner structure, the property structure and the domination structure of the company, use to lend money to purchases the stock of this company, causes the enterprise original operator to become the enterprise owner's one kind of behavior.
Since our country has been introduced, the MBO system, as an implement of the property reform, to the state-owned enterprise, especially to our middle and small scale state-owned enterprise, which has achieved a good result.
But simultaneously, it also has exposed some undesirable phenomena in process of the property reforms, such as illegal financing, pricing is not open, "traders from buying", and other transactions, resulting in serious loss of state assets, has not only aroused the universal concern of the public but also lead to the community to debate and discontent.
Whit “the dispute of Lang with Gu” was heat up, these dissatisfaction and the discussion is pushed to the high tide, became "the property right to reform the big discussion" which is continues "the state-owned enterprise to reform the big discussion" in 1994, and rapidly sweep all over our country.
In this discussion, it is central that MBO whether also should continue in China. In the MBO process whether the real existence the phenomenon about "the state asset does drain", whether the government should stop state-owned enterprise MBO, the so forth question was repeatedly asked by the public that has aroused government department's interest and takes.
At end of October of 2004, arm at the Public matter of concern proposed which on the discussion process in, Li RongRong as director of State Asset Management Committee, make the speech at a press conference, said, "the question, the current state asset drains, to concentrate in MBO, but the main question, in the MBO process, is from sells buys".
On December 12th, 2004, Huang Ju ,as Vice-Premier of our State, in attends annual's end congress of 2004 year, pointed out, "The major industry does not permit to do MBO, in mid- and small-scale enterprise, the MBO also must distinguish the situation, wants the standard. Regarding the MBO, the State Asset Management Committee must formulate the issue special document, achieves has a legal basis."
In my opinion, the government representative's speech has indicated three meanings. Firstly, it is an evaluation to the operation of our state-owned enterprise by MBO. In order to respond the populace request to stop the action of embezzles which likes flesh and blood of the people, the government acknowledged that it is an unusual phenomenon that above mention phenomena in the MBO of state-owned enterprise process. Secondly, it is an attitude of our government on the question whether continues in the state-owned enterprise to implement MBO. The general orientation of our state asset reform have never been change, MBO, as one effective action to took the state-owned share reduction, will to be continue. Thirdly, these phenomena in our country state-owned enterprise MBO process is may be perfect through set up the standard operates performs and repaid the system to avoid.
Government acts to regulate MBO confidence, as I also hope that the MBO system defects and countermeasures research and analysis, to explore a workable system to ensure that the MBO health. By reference western economic theory, such as the incentive mechanism, and property rights theory, New institution Economics(NIE), industrial economics, and the industrial structure theory, game theory and information theory, and so on, I conducted a comprehensive analysis for China's state-owned enterprises MBO system and the status of implementation of the system, and appropriate use of the comparative method with the foreign MBO system theory. This thesis is divided into three parts:
Part I is chapter 1 is the basis of the thesis. In this section, the author through the MBO and the origin of the definition of basis concepts, raised individual preliminary view that, MBO is one kind of behavior about purchase by manager who is personal rather than by manager who are one collectivity, and enrich the guidance of China's MBO has a theory of practice.
Part II includes chapters 2 and 3, this section is an important part in the paper with empirical Analysis of linking theory with reality. In this section, the author objective review of the MBO as property rights reform of China abut state-owned enterprises from the history of MBO in china, and revealed the existence of the practice of some problems. Author has start study from China's current system of MBO, elaborated China's current MBO system and the status of the existing defects and shortcomings. This part is measures to provide sufficient factual basis for countermeasures study.
Part III be refers to Chapter 4 which is recommendations and responses for above write. Basis of the front part of this thesis, the author put forward a set of constructive proposals and responding to the program, for avoid and prevent the "loss of state assets" phenomenon, a set of constructive proposals and response measures, from the theoretical innovation, and the system improve, supervision and control etc several aspects.
These suggests put forward new requirements for target of reform in China's state-owned enterprises and standard of implementation. This is the end-result of this study and is consolidated and upgrading for parts I and II on this thesis which fully embodies the theoretical and practical significance.

Keyword: State-Owned Enterprises of China/ MBO/ System Shortcoming /Countermeasure

目  录


第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.1.1 问题的提出 1
1.1.2 研究的现实意义 2
1.2 MBO起源与概念界定 3
1.2.1 MBO的起源 3
1.2.2 MBO的概念 5
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海南省重点项目审批“ 绿色通道”实施办法

第一条 为进一步改善我省投资环境,简化办事程序,提高办事效率,充分发挥海南省人民政府政务服务中心(以下简称省政务中心)、各厅局行政审批办公室(以下简称审批办)的集合效能,形成服务合力,更好地为重点项目投资者提供优质、高效、便捷的服务,根据《海南省人民政府政务服务中心建设运行管理监督实施方案》(琼府﹝2007﹞37号),制定本办法。

第二条 本办法所称重点项目审批“绿色通道”,是指省政务中心根据申请人申请,确定专人跟踪服务,组织、协调审批办对有关审批事项进行联合审批,督促其限时办结审批事项,为申请人提供高效、便捷的服务。

第三条 “绿色通道”服务项目的范围:



第四条 “绿色通道”服务的内容:




第五条 省政务中心建立重点项目联合审批会议(以下简称联审会议)制度。联审会议成员由省政务中心负责人、省政务中心大厅各厅局审批办主任组成;联审会议办公室设在省政务中心。省政务中心主任为联审会议召集人,并兼任联审会议办公室主任。联审会议办公室负责办理联审会议会务,督促落实联审会议决定等日常事务。联审会议认为应当报省政府研究决定的事项,由省政务中心报省政府研究决定。

第六条 除法律、行政法规规定的许可收费外,“绿色通道”服务不另行收费。

第七条 省政务中心设立“绿色通道”项目受理窗口,安排专人统一受理和接待。申请人应当填写“绿色通道”服务申请登记表,并按规定和项目涉及的审批事项,提供相应份数的审批申请材料。

第八条 “绿色通道”服务受理窗口收到申请材料后,交由联审会议办公室组织有关厅局审批办对相关材料进行审核。申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,“绿色通道”服务受理窗口应当当场或者5日内一次性告知申请人需要补正的全部内容。申请材料齐全、符合法定形式,或者申请人按照要求提交全部补正申请材料、且属于“绿色通道”范围的,经报省政务中心主任批准,由有关厅局审批办分别出具受理通知书,交由“绿色通道”受理窗口统一送达申请人。

第九条 提供“绿色通道”服务的审批事项只涉及一个部门的,由联审会议办公室协调有关厅局审批办直接办理。




第十条 审批事项办理完成后,应当由申请人签收“绿色通道”服务办结单。因特殊情况需要延长审批时限的,由有关厅局审批办按规定程序报批,并负责向申请人解释说明。

第十一条 “绿色通道”项目的审批事项由市、县负责审批的,有关厅局审批办应当跟踪、指导、协调有关审批工作。

第十二条 各有关厅局审批办应当高度重视“绿色通道”服务工作,相互配合,严格按照工作职责、办事程序、承诺时限完成审批。

第十三条 联审会议办公室应当及时了解“绿色通道”项目的审批进展情况,主动与相关部门沟通协调,及时处理、报告审批过程中出现的问题。

第十四条 省政务中心应当采取多种形式,征求重点项目投资者对“绿色通道”服务工作的意见和建议,组织评议相关厅局审批办及其工作人员的工作态度、办事效率和服务质量,对各办理环节加强检查和督促,并将“绿色通道”服务纳入年度考核。考核结果应当作为干部考核的重要参考依据。


第十五条 承办“绿色通道”服务的工作人员应当严格遵守国家法律、法规及各项规章制度,对服务对象提交的所有材料和涉及的商业秘密应当严格保密。


第十六条 本办法具体应用的问题由省政务中心负责解释。

第十七条 本办法自公布之日起施行。
